ACT UP Oral History Project

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Flyer Action at Columbia University Against Argentine President

Author: Luis Vera

Date: November 19, 1990

Demonstration: Protest against President Carlos Menem at Columbia University

People: Alfredo Gonzalez

Description: LC activists protested at the Argentine consulate in Manhattan, after the prominent LGBTQ organization Comunidad Homosexual Argentina (CHA) which provided HIV/AIDS services, was denied legal standing and therefore, essential funding. The Latina/o Caucus was granted a meeting with the Consul General of Argentina, who was worried about a public relations fall-out. The Consul General told the activist he "hoped they hadn't come to infect them." Months later, ACT UP Americas, an offshoot of the Latina/o Caucus would organize an action at a Columbia University event that President Carlos Menem attended. At the event, the activists addressed President Carlos Menem directly. Several months later, CHA was given legal recognition or “personería jurídica.”

Collection: Alfredo González