094 Karen Ramspacher (082-101) Mar 2 Written By Ethan Shoshan July 13, 2008 EXCERPT: Infiltration & the Holland Tunnel TO READ OR DOWNLOAD A TRANSCRIPT OF THE COMPLETE INTERVIEW CLICK HERE: TRANSCRIPT Death and DyingStop the ChurchACT UP GraphicsAffinity GroupsHolland Tunnel ActionStorm the NIHChanging the CDC Definition of AIDSWomen and AIDSTreatment and Data Committee Ethan Shoshan https://www.disiterate.com
094 Karen Ramspacher (082-101) Mar 2 Written By Ethan Shoshan July 13, 2008 EXCERPT: Infiltration & the Holland Tunnel TO READ OR DOWNLOAD A TRANSCRIPT OF THE COMPLETE INTERVIEW CLICK HERE: TRANSCRIPT Death and DyingStop the ChurchACT UP GraphicsAffinity GroupsHolland Tunnel ActionStorm the NIHChanging the CDC Definition of AIDSWomen and AIDSTreatment and Data Committee Ethan Shoshan https://www.disiterate.com