Browse by Subject
- ACT UP Graphics 26
- ACTG 076 13
- AIDS Activist Video 27
- AIDS Cure Project (Barbara McClintock Project) 6
- AIDS Freedom Ride 2
- Actions Committee 11
- Affinity Groups 59
- Alternative Treatments 10
- Campaign '92 6
- Changing the CDC Definition of AIDS 17
- City AIDS Action 5
- Civil Disobedience 7
- Coordinating Committee 13
- Cosmo Demo 4
- Countdown 18 Months 4
- Day of Desperation 21
- Death and Dying 56
- First Wall Street Action 8
- Fundraising 12
- Haitians and AIDS 3
- Holland Tunnel Action 5
- Housing 12
- Insurance Issues 2
- International AIDS Conferences 14
- Latina/o Caucus 12
- Legal Issues 12
- Lesbian Issues 19
- Majority Action 18
- Marshalling 6
- Media Committee 20
- National Spring AIDS Actions (The Nine Days of Rain) 7
- Needle Exchange 23
- Outreach Committee 7
- Political Funerals 16
- Safe Sex 29
- Seize Control of the FDA 34
- Stop the Church 54
- Storm the NIH 18
- Target Bush 6
- Target City Hall 28
- The Split 24
- Trans Issues 3
- Treatment and Data Committee 53
- Women and AIDS 44
- YELL (Youth Education Life Line) 6
For permission to use any of the ACT UP Oral History interviews and for the proper citation format, please send a message to Sarah Schulman using the Contact form.
The interviews were transcribed by Ronald Nerio, Richard Dworkin and Deborah Lattimore of Technitype Transcription.
- International AIDS Conferences
- Latina/o Caucus
- City AIDS Action
- Civil Disobedience
- Political Funerals
- Haitians and AIDS
- Actions Committee
- Legal Issues
- Lesbian Issues
- Cosmo Demo
- Trans Issues
- Seize Control of the FDA
- ACT UP Graphics
- National Spring AIDS Actions (The Nine Days of Rain)
- Fundraising
- AIDS Activist Video
- Insurance Issues
- Affinity Groups
- AIDS Freedom Ride
- Changing the CDC Definition of AIDS
- Stop the Church
- Campaign '92
- Housing
- Holland Tunnel Action
- Storm the NIH
- Day of Desperation
- Media Committee
- Alternative Treatments
- Majority Action
- AIDS Cure Project (Barbara McClintock Project)
- Needle Exchange
- Treatment and Data Committee
- Outreach Committee
- Safe Sex
- Countdown 18 Months
- ACTG 076
- Coordinating Committee
- Marshalling
- Target City Hall
- YELL (Youth Education Life Line)
- Death and Dying
- Target Bush
- Women and AIDS
- The Split
- First Wall Street Action